Mari syrad counselling

Mari Syrad | Psychotherapeutic Counsellor based in East Sussex & Online

Counselling and Psychotherapy

Helping you to find yourself and live a better life. What's your story?

Available for short and long-term therapy online and in Eastbourne, East Sussex

Who Am I and How Can I Help?


My name is Mari and I help people who struggle with their sense of self, who feel lost, troubled, and like they don't know how to be in the world.

By working together, I hope to help you untangle some of the confusion, recognise your values and strengths, and ultimately focus on building the life you want through cultivating authenticity.

I am a BACP registered Psychotherapeutic Counsellor available for counselling and psychotherapy online wherever you are based in the UK, by email, or face to face in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

I have always been curious about the human mind: why we are the way we are and why we do the things we do. I studied English Literature at university and found myself enthralled by the human condition. This developed into an interest in psychology and counselling and I began training as a therapist in 2013. For several years I ran a business specialising in hoarding disorder, supporting clients with a range of mental health difficulties before qualifying from the University of Brighton with a Postgraduate Diploma in Humanistic Psychotherapeutic Counselling. I am a registered member of the British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy (BACP) and my work is informed by their ethical framework. I have additional training in bereavement, substance misuse, and perinatal mental health. For the past year I have specialised in counselling cancer patients whilst working for Macmillan.

How Therapy Can Help

I trained as an Integrative Humanistic Counsellor which means that I draw on a breadth of knowledge which puts the individual at the centre of the therapeutic work. I believe that you are the expert on yourself and that every human being has the capacity to grow and ability to heal. I will endeavour to ensure that you feel held and supported during our sessions, and that we are working at your pace whilst gently challenging you to keep investigating your feelings and experience.

Life can be so incredibly overwhelming and it can be too much to ask that we face it alone. I aim to offer a safe, supportive space in which we can explore the difficulties you are facing together, to make some sense out of your experience, and help you to find the resources within to cope with life when it becomes overwhelming.

Whether you are dealing with anxiety or depression, a specific event such as a bereavement or trauma, experiencing a significant life change such as pregnancy or divorce, or are simply feeling as though something is not quite right, counselling can help.

Email Counselling

Trying to find time in our busy lives to attend appointments around work, children etc. can feel like an additional stressor. For some people, engaging in therapy in writing can feel less anxiety provoking, and provides a sense of anonymity which may be desirable depending on the subject you wish to explore. I offer email counselling for those who need the flexibility to access counselling on their own schedule. For more information on email counselling - click here.

Meeting In Person

Therapy provides a safe and confidential space where you will be offered a warm, non-judgemental and empathetic environment to explore the difficulties you are struggling with. I offer a consistent and holding relationship to which I encourage you to bring your whole self, and where all parts of you will be accepted. I do not currently have any face to face availability, though this is subject to change, and will be based in Eastbourne, East Sussex which is easily accessible from Lewes, Brighton, Bexhill and Hastings.

Online Therapy

Counselling has traditionally taken place in person. Since Covid, however, virtual counselling has become a popular alternative to face to face therapy. You will need a good internet connection and a comfortable, confidential space to meet from. Working virtually can lead to sharing a greater amount of information more quickly which may feel a little vulnerable at first. Any concerns you may have if you choose to attend therapy online can be discussed before we begin during the initial consultation.

“You cannot find peace by avoiding life.”

Virginia Woolf

What issues can counselling help with?

People come to counselling for help with a wide range of challenges including, but not limited to:


Identity Issues




gender & Sexuality


Sex and Relationships


life changes

“I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship.”

Louisa May Alcott


Duration: Therapy sessions last up to 50 minutes and take place on a weekly basis. How many sessions you have is up to you, with some people choosing short-term counselling of 6-12 sessions, and others requiring longer-term psychotherapy.

Location: I currently work online over Google Meet and am therefore able to meet with you regardless of where in the UK you are based. I also work in person in Eastbourne, East Sussex

Fees: One to one counselling costs £60 payable before each session by bank transfer. If you need to cancel, please provide as much notice as possible, cancellations under 24 hours will be charged at the full fee.

Availability: I currently have availability for online and face to face therapy on Wednesday afternoons and Saturday mornings.

Crisis Support: Counselling is not designed to help with immediate psychological crisis. If you need urgent help outside of our sessions or believe that yourself or someone else is in danger, please call 999, go to A&E, or contact the Samaritans.

Get in Touch

Please use the contact form to get in touch. I will send you a few questions to gather some information and help me gain some understanding of what help you’re looking for, after which we can arrange a free initial 15 minute phone consultation which gives us a chance to discuss the reasons you are thinking of coming to counselling, whether it could be helpful for you, and if we are a good fit.

If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

“And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what the storm is all about.”

Haruki Murakami

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